I have written quite a lot of music over the years – much more than is represented on this web site. However, this site contains some of my more prominent concert works and game soundtracks. There is quite a variety of music represented here, some very serious (such as my Elegy), some rather silly (such as Red Herring), and some falling somewhere in between (such as Jungle Hunt or my Jingle Bells Variations).
If you’re interested in some of the other pieces I’ve written, there are a few other places you can go. One is my SoundCloud channel, where I’ve posted some music not available on this site. In addition, I’ve taken part a few times in a challenge from Ryan Leach to write a short piece based on a specific prompt every day of the month. Each day, I created a YouTube score video for each piece. These are of varying quality, since I generally only had a couple hours to write and orchestrate the piece, then publish a video. I used many different classical styles, from Baroque to serial and atonal, as well as bluegrass, jazz, metal, chiptune, and more. You can find all these pieces on my YouTube channel: